Posts Tagged ‘cheese-eating surrender monkeys’

obozo and hollande, two diverse dickheads

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Hard to say who’s worse, America’s anti-American muslim dictator or France’s cowardly frogsident.

obozo is a muslim in everything but name.  As a youth he was raised by muslims in a muslim country for years.  He self-identifies with the “holy” quran, and on numerous occasions has rewritten American history to his liking, including “muslim contributions” to American history and an alternate, fictional history of the Crusades.  

If all of that can be argued away by liberal apologists, obozo’s dismal record of fighting muslims is there for all to see.  He’s aligned himself with iran, trying to give them nukes, and refuses to fight muslims anywhere on the globe.  (To be fair, Bush 43’s refusal to let our warriors wage war in the most necessary and brutal fashion was almost as bad as obozo’s eternal surrendering.)

If you want to argue that all of this is lies and His Earness is really a Christian, then Ears is still an anti-American failure, spending a quarter century in the pews of a hate-Whitey “church”, which he and his loyal media serfs jettisoned at the first sign of trouble. 

obozo could pull the same shit Denzel did in American Gangster–just shoot some motherfucker in the street in front of hundreds of witnesses–and no one on the left would say a word.  obozo should be glad he’s half-Black:  any other American president would be judged by his character and experience…and crimes.    


Francois Hollande, frogsident of France, is harder to figure out, except to say when your “leader”  looks likes this, don’t expect too much.

Frogsident Hollande







As Carol Brown writes, “Hollande…doesn’t get it. Or doesn’t want to get it.”  Given that all of Europe is lowering its neck for the blood-soaked muslim scimitar to finish it off, the theory that globalist tyrants behind the scenes run the show seems plausible. One or two Euro-leaders allowing ‘refugee’ invaders into their socialist paradises could be dismissed as the usual liberal lunacy, but all of them? 

I would expect any sane nation, upon hearing their “leader” surrender to internal enemies who killed hundreds of civilians, would demand he step down or be removed by force.  

That didn’t happen in France.

The same people should be demanding firearms for all citizens (not refugees) and if they aren’t allowed them legally, should arms themselves anyway. 

That didn’t happen in France.  

What will it take to wake them up?  

Whatever it is, they don’t have it.