Archive for February, 2016

Ruck Fubio, aka If you like Trump, you’ll like this

Monday, 29 February 2016

This is an informal analysis of this Rubio ad, whence Recucklican* Establishment dillholes accuse Trump of not being serious.   

“Marco Rubio is a foreign policy expert.”

Rubio isn’t expert enough to recognize countries hoping to survive need strong borders. No need to guess what he’d do as Preezy, he’s already on record for an attempt at amnesty.

“(Trump) praises Putin.”

Trump praises Putin the same way Putin “praises” obozo.



Trump and Putin is a case of ‘Game recognize game.’ Trump can acknowledge the midget k-g-wannabe’s success without being cuckolded and ignored like obozo. Putin will get exactly ONE chance to come correct before President Trump writes his ass off.

“(Trump) doesn’t know what our nuclear triad is!”

How is this an effective selling point? It’s like some guy marching into a bar, pointing to another guy sitting on a stool and shouting, “HEY EVERYONE! THIS GUY DOESN’T KNOW ABOUT QUANTUM MECHANICS!”

Fuckface Rubio doesn’t know what a BORDER is.

No one cares about nukes anyway. They won’t be used, not even by kooks like pakistan and n. korea.  The most plausible nuclear attack would be by muslim shitbags detonating a suitcase nuke in the heart of NYC (most likely supplied by iran, supplied by obozo.)

“(Trump says) he’ll be neutral on Israel…”

Assuming this is true, Israel could use a neutral breather after 8 years of being ignored and attacked by the active muslim enemy in the White Mosque. Unlike progmerica, Israel’s government looks after its citizens’ safety and survival.

“Trump claims he knows about China because there’s a Chinese bank in one of his buildings…”

Trump is a global negotiator and expert businessman. Though he’s ‘set for life’ he has thousands of employees counting on him to keep his empire profitable and growing. Trump has to deliver while obozo does not, as the latter has magical dark skin and a treasonous media protecting him.

Do you you think Rube-io or obozo knows more about the way the world really works than Trump? The Chinese bitches
sounded off this week over a Trump Presidency. They’re scared, and they should be. Red China is run by an evil regime that murders innocent people only with rice in the background instead of soviet vodka.

“We can’t have a president who knows nothing about foreign policy…”

obozo’s already proven that, we’re now disrespected the world over and our enemies have all gained ground. We are paying iran billions when they should be nuked instead.

Trump cannot be a bigger disaster for America than obozo. The last 8 years have been bad for America. Our economy sucks, the border is wide open and racial hatred has exploded, fueled by the White Mosque.

When We The People voted the commie bastards out, their Recucklican replacements did NOTHING to stop the jug-eared tyrant.  They failed us at every level. And now punkass Rubio-boto thinks he’s going to win on some vague promise that he  knows how the world works? AH HA HA HA HA HA HA!


Minigun Trump


TRUMP 2016  

Make America Great Again–because right now, things are fucked

*Recucklican:  n.  portmanteau of Republican and cuckold;  a fake conservative/crony capitalist who stands for nothing and falls for everything schemed by democrats


The death of common sense leaves a hell of a rotten corpse

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Would any socialist weenie around the world care to explain why the United states, with its greedy for-profit health care system, must take in “victims” made sick from their own irresponsible behavior when health care is a “right” and “free” everywhere else in the world?

Some possible answers:

1) Americans like contracting STDs, including lethal ones

2) Americans enjoy having their tax money lavished on foreigners who have paid nothing into the system and arrive as Takers

3) obozo is trying to further sabotage the Amerian health care system

4) a certain corrupt political party (rhymes with emocrat) needs more insta-voters.

I’m going with (3) and (4).

obozo’s marxist capo HHS secretary ran the numbers and explained in the Federal Register that, ‘The results are not economically significant, i.e. more than $100 million of costs and benefits in a single year.’ In other words, the cost of welcoming in aliens with these STDs will be below $100 million every year,” said the CIS report.

Government-to-Reality Conversion rate: 100 million = 800 million

The obozo criminal syndicate is already responsible for every American harmed by an illegal invader; don’t expect them to worry about bringing in more disease along with crime.





Scalia Superior, obozo inferior (plus Dick VanderDyke for some reason)

Monday, 22 February 2016

Nothing to get excited about that obozo would take a jab at Scalia.  

obozo is such a narcissistic prick I doubt he would have interrupted his busy BasketGolf schedule and multi-million dollar taxpayer-funded vacations to attend even karl marx’s or saul alinsky’s funeral.   Remember, this jug-eared anti-American dope sat in the pews of “reverend” wright’s hate-Whitey “church” for a quarter-century, then dropped him like a hot coal when the non-liberal media raised a single eyebrow.  

I’m glad obozo didn’t attend Scalia’s funeral, he would have felt very insecure around a man who–even while dead–is his superior in every way.  


Then over here we have Dick Van Dyke, who no one remembers except for being aikido-thrown by an ottoman, with an URGENT MESSAGE for you all.  (When you’re 108-years-young every message is urgent and every word could be your last…)   

Can anything more ridiculous than an obama-voter-turned-bern-bern buffoon warning anyone about how the Emperor wears no clothes?


liberalism defined




Robert Reich is Robert Wrongsh

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Subliminal message:liberalism defined


Robert Bernard Reich was the Secretary of Labor during the Cigar Administration, another grossly overpaid capo civil servant in the federal mafia hierarchy of that time, given undue credit for the 1990’s tech boom which democrooks had nothing to do with, unless you count being restrained from raising taxes by the Republican Congress as action.

Reich, a Bern-Bern cheerleader who mysteriously doesn’t self-identify as a socialist, wrote a column titled “The Death of the Republican Party” which appears on his website (which wisely doesn’t allow comments) but it requires some translation.

And here it is.


I’m writing to you today to announce the death of the Republican Party. It is no longer a living, vital, animate organization.

It died in 2016. RIP.

No, no, these aren’t crocodile tears, people. Much to our marxist chagrin, the sham opposition party which we demonize in government-controlled schools and by Hollywood trash and left-wing “journalists” has been thrown into disarray.

It has been replaced by warring tribes:

Evangelicals opposed to abortion, gay marriage, and science.

People who believe God is higher than the Almighty State and that right and wrong exist.

Libertarians opposed to any government constraint on private behavior.

Anyone who opposes communist orthodoxy. 

Market fundamentalists convinced the “free market” can do no wrong.

These don’t exist, but I need straw men.

Corporate and Wall Street titans seeking bailouts, subsidies, special tax loopholes, and other forms of crony capitalism.

Shhh, don’t tell, but we’ve supported all of the above for our side.  We on the left are the croniest of…capitalists (I HATE that word!) but the media protects us. Usually.  DAMN YOU, DRUDGE!

Billionaires craving even more of the nation’s wealth than they already own.

We Democrats believe you are allowed to make money only so long as we get to take half or more.  

And white working-class Trumpoids who love Donald. and are becoming convinced the greatest threats to their well being are Muslims, blacks, and Mexicans.

Has more than 30 seconds gone by without a liberal calling non-communists racists?  RESTART THE TIMER.  We know you want strong borders, but we need votes.  Third Worlders who don’t share American  (I HATE that word!) values (I HATE that word!) are hot property. 

(Editor’s note:  the greatest threat to Americans’ well-being is liberal /communist Democrats)

Each of these tribes has its own separate political organization, its own distinct sources of campaign funding, its own unique ideology – and its own candidate.

Unlike we Democrats, united by a communist vision of complete control over every aspect of people’s lives, these Republicans have points-of-view not only unauthorized by us, but that compete with each other! This kind of diversity cannot be tolerated!

Here at the Democratic Party we have eliminated the troublesome marketplace of ideas.  With us you have a CHOICE:  communist tyrant Cankles Clinton or communist tyrant Bernard Sanders.

What’s left is a lifeless shell called the Republican Party. But the Grand Old Party inside the shell is no more.

The jig is up.

I, for one, regret its passing. Our nation needs political parties to connect up different groups of Americans, sift through prospective candidates, deliberate over priorities, identify common principles, and forge a platform.

Our nation needs one party masquerading as two, with neither representing the American people and both paid for by the political donor class.  I mourn the death of the Big Lie.

The Republican Party used to do these things. Sometimes it did them easily, as when it came together behind William McKinley and Teddy Roosevelt in 1900, Calvin Coolidge in 1924, and Ronald Reagan in 1980.

Of the four presidents I just mentioned, only Roosevelt was like us, a socialist in love with power. McKinley fought democrats during the Civil War and later as president defended U.S. interests. Both Coolidge and Reagan LOWERED taxes–Coolidge four times!–which resulted in a disastrous booming economy and folks not seeking government dependency.

Sometimes it did them with difficulty, as when it strained to choose Abraham Lincoln in 1860, Barry Goldwater in 1964, and Mitt Romney in 2012.

Lincoln had his faults, such as fighting against slavery and segregation, cherished Democrat values. He’s long dead and his history easily rewritten. Goldwater was a close call, but we got LBJ in. Good thing, too. Vietnam needed to be escalated and lost. Romney, of course, was selected by us and did as told. Ahh, good times.

But there was always enough of a Republican Party to do these important tasks – to span the divides, give force and expression to a set of core beliefs, and come up with a candidate around whom Party regulars could enthusiastically rally.

We have lost our pseudo-conservative cuckolds. Trump has awakened the sleeping giant, ordinary Americans who reject sharia law and want strong borders.

No longer. And that’s a huge problem for the rest of us.

And by ‘rest of us’ I mean the thousands of illegals we are encouraging to invade, so we can inflate Democrat voter rolls. The dead can only vote so many times before suspicion is raised.  

Without a Republican Party, nothing stands between us and a veritable Star Wars barroom of self-proclaimed wanna-be’s.

We’re scared shitless of Trump.  (Ed. note:  Wasn’t the Star Wars cantina a perfect model of diversity?)

Without a Party, anyone runs who’s able to raise (or already possesses) the requisite money – even if he happens to be a pathological narcissist who has never before held public office, even if he’s a knave detested by all his Republican colleagues.

We’re scared shitless of Trump.

Without a Republican Party, it’s just us and them. And one of them could even become the next President of the United States.

Us: communists
Them: Free Americans


Sorry, Robert.  We’re cleaning house.

“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly.” — Richard Bach


Why can’t they just kill these two, three?

Thursday, 18 February 2016

I didn’t set out to create a separate category called “Why not kill these two?” but after this incident with recidivist thugs and these thieving cunts who stole from US vets, there’s these two evildoers in Merry Olde England.

When evil people commit evil acts, a good society has a duty to destroy them utterly, both as a warning to others and punishment for the crimes.

I don’t give a shit these cunts are underage, there is no redemption or reform of psychopaths. They should be turned into involuntary organ donors and have their hearts, kidneys, livers, corneas and whatever else can be harvested given to better people. WITHOUT ANASTHESIA. Whatever’s left can be displayed in public.


Now piss off, bloody plonkas.

No one’s defends obozo anymore, not even the invincibly ignorant

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

obozo collage

Fuck iran, right in the neck

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Around mid-December of last year, an article showed a mural in tehran which “mocked” the USA with a parody of Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima with modern US soldiers raising the flag on a mountain of dead muslims.

The dream


How is this a mockery? THIS IS THE DREAM.

Today this article appeared:

Iran Publishes Pictures of Captured U.S. Sailors Crying

Weeping Soldier


The picture is real but the date is inaccurate. The weeping sailor was photographed on January 20th, 2009, the day sworn enemies of America hijacked the White House.

Don’t believe me?

The Obama administration, including Secretary of State John Kerry, has praised and thanked Iran for the way it treated the captured sailors, who were released by Iranian authorities the following morning.

What a joyous day for the country when these communist pricks and twats are removed from power.

How to easily beat Arkham Knight’s Cloudburst Tank–Updated Feb 2018

Friday, 5 February 2016

SPOILERS MY ASS, the @#!@#! game has been out for over 5472 hours.

I’ve been playing Batman: Arkham Knight for a few months. The inclusion of the Batmobile has been a mixed blessing. It’s used cleverly in some puzzles and can be an awesome ally, but tedious mandatory tank battles ruin the fun factor somewhat. One youtuber said it best, “I got this game to play as BATMAN, not the Batmobile.”

In a way, the game “cheats.”  The Batmobile is difficult to drive and destroys nearly everything in its path, yet can get snagged on a curb or stoop and certain small trees which cannot be run over (but will fall if directly shot).  While not a deliberate handicap, the perspective of the Batmobile shrinks almost to the size of a Matchbox car whenever there’s a Missile Lock.  Some gamers do better driving in the first person perspective and this stupid feature robs them of it.

Arkham Knight, nearly-perfect in every way, is almost completely ruined by the Cloudburst tank battle. Even set on EASY it’s NOT.  A game should be challenging, not infuriating. 

Some designers somewhere are patting themselves on the back for making the Cloudburst Tank level next-to-impossible. TANKS FOR NOTHING, DICKWEEDS.  What their fellow game creators forgot is that when you piss off gamers to the point they totally give up, they don’t buy future downloadable content.

Fortunately, one gamer has made the Cloudburst battle winnable with little stress. His strategy was perfect except for one missing piece, the coordinates of the Gotham Casino. And here they are: 1938, 2300 approximately.  (The casino building has the circumference of a small tower, making it easy to hide behind).

Besides upgrading the armor of the Batmobile I’ve found two upgrades to be essential: the special 60mm cannon shot upgrade which fools Cobra tanks to head for where the shot landed, and the Drone Virus. Half the time the EMP doesn’t do shit, so go with the Virus.  Not only can you upload a virus to the smaller tanks but to the Cobra tank as well, most hilarious and satisfying. If the hijacked Cobra wins against another tank, it then conveniently explodes.

I haven’t met the ‘Deathstroke Tank’ yet but am already annoyed it’s in the game. We’ll see.

FEB 18, 2018 UPDATE

The Deathstroke Tank was a massive disappointment, as most of you know by now.

Moving along, I haven’t played any PS4 game in over a year. I don’t plan on buying anything else until the next Batman (or Superman) game and by then there might be a PS5.

I bought all of Arkham’s “extras” and had beaten 90% of the game when the unthinkable happened. When I first got the game I played to get the feel of things and got maybe 2% in, then began a new game in earnest. On the “Are you sure?” save screen, because I had two games saved, the test game and the almost-done game, there was always a choice between the 2% and the 90% complete.

Yep, you guessed it. Erased the wrong one.

I didn’t feel too bad about it since I already knew thanks to the Riddler’s impossible challenges I would never reach the “Full ending” which I watched later on fooltube anyway.

I played the Robin minigame and gave up.
Payed the Batgirl game, gave up.

Oh, so one more useful tidbit. The ACE Chemicals courtyard finale is the first time I remember being overwhelmed by tanks as well as the #@!#@! helicopters. After getting my ass kicked repeatedly I thought, Batman is smarter than this, and used a rubber band to lock the controller’s trigger so the minigun was constantly firing. It worked!

So that’s it. I’m sick of buying Walmart corndogs so I’ll be laying off them for a while longer.



obozo visited a mosque? In other breaking news, Water is Wet, Night is Dark

Friday, 5 February 2016

“Christian” Barack hussein obozo visited a mosque, probably for the 80 millionth time, but this is “news” because it’s the first time (actually the second) an American president lowered the esteem of the office catering to the shit-cult of islam.

“The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That’s not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace.” –George W. Bush, shortly after 9/11

Didn’t you libs say Bush was a fuckin’ dummy? For once you’re right (and in no danger of getting used to it). islam is peace like steak is vegan.

Possibly Lord BigEars timed this obscene visit to offset the latest news that the economy (still) sucks under his ‘rule.’ Possible but unlikely. The power-obsessed left isn’t interested in the results of its asinine policies, they crave only “proof” (to whom?) that they “care”,  just like they “cared” Detroit into bankruptcy and poverty.

More likely, The Prophet’s Puppet is trying to divert attention from Trump’s ceaseless ass-kicking of what democrats (and establishment cuckservatives) mistakenly call ‘reality.’ Americans want strong borders, the removal of illegal third world trash and–get this–a President who loves America. Wow! What a radical concept!
Let’s ignore for the moment that it’s the kenyan doing the (self)-promoting of a ‘faith’ alien to 99% of Americans.

Nobody–and I mean NOBODY–thinks muslims have made some kind of significant contribution to America, other than terrorism and higher taxes.


W. Churchill had it about right:

“How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy…there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity.

“The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property—either as a child, a wife, or a concubine—must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

“Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities…but the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world…Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith…were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science—the science against which it had vainly struggled—the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”

THERE IS NO ‘MODERN, ENLIGHTENED’ ISLAM ANYWHERE. islam is on the same primitive level as ku klux kristianity which degrades women, children, gays and, of course, Jews.