Regarding the latest nonsensical Civil War II film

Friday, 12 April 2024

Most commenters, upon seeing the preview, noted there’s no way in hell Texas would “team up” with mexifornia. Apparently the movie is quite vague in the hows and whys of the war. Doesn’t the actor playing the President also star as a right-wing caricature on some show?

Not wasting my time on this cinematic diarrhea. If the talentless woke Jew idiots had balls they’d make a movie about mexico and the rest of the turd world invading the USA at the behest of a half-senile, traitorous, election-thief fraudsident.

You know, like the hell we’re living now?

bye bye OJ :(

Friday, 12 April 2024

As OJ Simpson briefly rejoins his beloved ex-wife I pray he finds the peace that eluded him, knowing the real killers of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman escaped earthly justice.

The new Roadhouse is an outhouse

Monday, 1 April 2024

The bojos who made this cineturd put the whole movie up in 5 minute chunks on youtube, including key fights and the death of the musclehead villain, who acts like a cartoon (hell, the entire shitshow is a toon.)

However the only thing anyone’s talking about is how Jake Gyllenhaal is JACKED GYM-AHOLIC.

It’s a safe bet roids were abused.

I’ve always like Gyllenhaal and he’s good here, trapped in an awful Everything, which brings me to the crux of this post: his character should’ve been named DALTON DARKO.

My Second Good Deed of the Year…

Saturday, 16 March 2024

…is informing you of the existence of Bread Springies.

You will waste over a year of your life twisting those effing bread bag ties first one way then the other.

The other type of bread lock, that sharp tooth, can cut both the bags as well as you (!!) and struggles to seal thicker-necked bags.


Bread Springies are invaluable plastic clamps which keep your baked goods secure until needed.


Fuck biden and fuck you for voting for the POS

Friday, 15 December 2023


On the bright side, as you slide into poverty you won’t be triggered by Trump’s mean tweets.

Don’t you wish you had a terminal illness?

Tuesday, 28 November 2023

I do. Every day.

“The test results are back, you have about two months. There won’t be a lot of pain but you’ll be weak very close to your expiration date, which we can only estimate.”

Two months? Perfect! Just enough time to get one’s affairs in order and condense whatever meaning one’s life had into a final statement.

Here’s to that Thoreau bullshit about living deliberately, only this time for real!

At the end it’s going to be like falling asleep, or finally Awakening. God already knows I’m not impressed with His work, but if eternity means hanging around doing nothing in a death-proof body, well all right.

It was an average existence at best; everyone I love who loved me is already on the other side. I love my siblings too but it’s not the same as we’re peers and competitors. I’d be sad if they were sad at my “untimely passing” but their sadness won’t be too long, not compared to the treat–or threat–of eternity.

I’d love to ascend in such a fashion that all my creditors, predators, exploiters, bullies and conpersons bear witness to my departure. So long, fuckers! The Final Truth is running up on you, too, better find another host to latch onto and charge usurious interest and feed the small print to.

I’m not overly upset at never finding Someone, there are billions who don’t, they’ll just have to wait a bit longer, longer than never. That business is all hokum anyway, broken bits of the chamber pot of poetry 10 minutes after you blow your load.

I couldn’t take on someone else’s early death in their place, the penalty would be the same as suicide.

No, it has to be your very own illness, yours alone.


Imagine it, just two more months and done, put it in Park at last, abandon ship, surrender, GIVE UP. No more feeding or being fed upon.

The End needn’t be peaceful, just…different. Let me be somewhere else and someone else and then nowhere and no one else. Two months is fair O Great One! I accept your offer, just please feign surprise when You see me.

It’s Sad Anyone Must Be Born

Friday, 10 November 2023

I love The Cheesecake Factory, despite not having eaten there in almost 20 years.

I found these at a supermarket and was dismayed they looked like turds.

Peace is a lie.

You’ll find this ribbiting

Friday, 10 November 2023

My subscribers are warriors

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Everyone else is a useless petaQ.

Meat Life Lesson #42–The Meaning of Life as Expressed by Keys

Monday, 6 November 2023

“Order means light and peace, inward liberty and free command over one’s self; order is power.”

Keys aren’t the most exciting topic, but managing them is important for a more orderly life: odds are you handle them every day, and will even after Big Bro Biometrics and AI become standard.

Keep track of your keys. Do whatever it takes, color code them with dollar store nail polish, buy the colored rubber rings that fit over them. (A light on your keyring also helps.)

Record your keys’ shapes, markings and the locations of spares. (In Honor of The Paranoid, whom I respect, avoid taking pics of keys as thieves can make duplicates from images.)

Buy a key hook for your keys and use it. Yes, they make little doodads you can attach to your keyring to find it, but that’s one more thing you have to worry about charging or replacing harder-to-find batteries, and one more app clogging up your phone.

Your most used keys, home and car, should both have duplicates somewhere outside of them. Have a storage container hidden on your vehicle, usually on the underside, for your spare vehicle key. Modern cars have ridiculous fobs but even if outrageously expensive to duplicate, it’s worth it to have backup. Older cars with electronic keys usually come with a “dumb key” that will unlock the doors but not start the vehicle.

My most cautious, prepared (and only) friend managed to lock his keys inside his truck. If it can happen to him it can happen to anyone!

That’s all I currently gots on the subject of keys. Stay tuned to this space in case there’s more key excitement.