Posts Tagged ‘evil’

The new Roadhouse is an outhouse

Monday, 1 April 2024

The bojos who made this cineturd put the whole movie up in 5 minute chunks on youtube, including key fights and the death of the musclehead villain, who acts like a cartoon (hell, the entire shitshow is a toon.)

However the only thing anyone’s talking about is how Jake Gyllenhaal is JACKED GYM-AHOLIC.

It’s a safe bet roids were abused.

I’ve always like Gyllenhaal and he’s good here, trapped in an awful Everything, which brings me to the crux of this post: his character should’ve been named DALTON DARKO.

Meat Life Lesson Two: SAVE YOUR MONEY

Thursday, 19 October 2023

In a week or two I’ll close on a home equity loan. It’s not a joyous occasion, in fact, quite the opposite, since if the loan is not paid back the mortgage company can take my house, which belonged to my late mother.

The house is currently worth almost $300K. It’s roughly a 30K loan, to be paid back in a span of 30 years. With interest, if not paid off in a timely manner, the $30K loan will cost $80K or more.

The money is “already spent.” Half will be used to pay off a credit card balance of $14K, a card with an outrageous 25% interest. The rest will be used for a new roof, and possibly a new central AC unit (works now but it’s old.)

I simply don’t make enough money now, and didn’t save enough way back when, at your age.

More about this later, but take this with you if nothing else: SAVE YOUR MONEY. As much as possible, any way you can. Regardless of what your fave “artists” and activists claim, there IS a future, and you’re going to need money to survive and maybe even thrive.

The Unarmed Serfs of NYC

Sunday, 10 January 2016

Police Seeking Five Men for Raping Teenaged Girl in New York City Park

I know many people don’t have an immediate option to flee democrook-run cities, but if you have to stay, buy a gun, train with it and carry it concealed no matter what the “law” says.

The mighty NYC gun control laws didn’t do jack shit for the father, who fled and dialed 911 while his daughter was raped by five animals, because they were armed and he and his daughter were not.

Gun control laws were originally enacted to disarm freed slaves in the democrook-run South.  Now that democrooks run cities (into the ground) up north, what’s changed?

I would rather be a father who spends 10 years in prison for illegally carrying a gun than having to carry the rage and shame the (mercifully) unidentified father will till his last day on earth.

MLK wrote, “One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”

NYC gun control laws are unjust laws.






The War Game

Thursday, 29 November 2012

It was barely a blip in the news.  The red chinese have revealed their new attack helicopter which looks a hell of a lot like the American AH-64 Apache.

It must be a coincidence.

Skip the specs and go right to this:  

US legal action regarding alleged engine software transfer

In June 2012, United States charged United Technologies and two of its subsidiaries, Pratt & Whitney Canada and Hamilton Sundstrand, of selling China software that provides the necessary engine codes to operate the CAIC WZ-10.[8] While the Chinese defence ministry denied that China bought or used the software, Pratt & Whitney Canada and Hamilton Sundstrand agreed to pay more than $75 million to the U.S. government to settle the charges.[9]


War is all a grand illusion, isn’t it?  When American troops are eventually killed by these Chinese turdcopters with stolen US technology, 75 million dollars might start to seem a lot more precious.

Or not.

The Apache’s wiki doesn’t offer much hope either; versions of the ship have been sold to many countries I would not consider allies, including Taiwan (aka China).

The word for the day is UNWORTHY.

We already have a welfare-selling president whose performance made him UNWORTHY of a second (or first) term.  A tax cheat UNWORTHY of any office runs the Treasury.  

This bloated, bullying government is UNWORTHY of preservation, and reflects too accurately the crumbling union UNWORTHY of American principles ignored or forgotten.

The criminals believe there’s always room for more corruption. 

It won’t be much longer…

Fuckfield #9

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Fuckfield #8

Monday, 4 October 2010

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Smallville Season 9 episode mini-reviews Part Uno

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Source material can be found here PLUS watching the show.

Already wrote about the first two eps so we’re starting with the third one…

Rabid – It’s a zombie movie, only with no gore!  I always hate rip-offs of other shit, be they of effects, plots or both.  Which means I am unhappy most of the time.

Echo – I understand how difficult it is to write balanced stories with nearly-indestructable characters, but I’ll always resent the pain-in-the-ass Jor-El Easy Button.  The Jor-El of Smallville can strip Clark of his regular powers at will; in this ep we learn he can also bestow new ones (only to remove them again at a critical moment).  Clark’s imperfect humanity is what makes him a hero, so having a mind-reading ability cheated him (and us) out of having to work up the courage to ask out Lois without knowing the outcome. The Toyman (Christopher Gauthier) is played by a guy who can really act (always good to have a few of those around) and the same, as always, goes for Hartley’s Green Arrow.  Oliver’s rock-bottom suicide attempt transcended dramatic expectations, and weren’t you pleasantly freaked out by the robot?  One more thing:  that poor dude in the bomb mask at the beginning was an innocent kidnap victim. It was probably bad editing, but it seemed like Clark let that guy die in the explosion.  WTF?

Roulette – I can’t watch anyone “buried alive” or even trapped in a coffin above ground so I had trouble breathing and had to TIVO through that shit.  If it wasn’t Oliver as the victim of this lame The Game rip-off it would be unwatchable.  No, I take that back, this was a pretty damned good ep overall.

Crossfire – Don’t really remember this one, except the threat of a potential Oliverarrow sidekick worried me.  Even though it ripped-off the effects of Superman Returns, the ending kicked ass, and the “pimp” who got served looked like a fat-faced clone of Justin Timberlake.  Oh yeah, and Clark kissed Lois.

Kandor – This is the one where this season shit the cot, for me anyway.  It was cool to start the show on Krypton, but it got me thinking (uh oh).  Kryptonians were supposed to be this very “advanced” alien race, but there they were, fighting in trenches like it was WW1.  And what exactly were they fighting about?  Seems there should have been some kind of super-suit that duplicated the yellow sun, so that at least Krypton’s armies or police force would be Superbeings, thus shortening, ah, wars and conflicts and such.

The story of the blood wasn’t explained very well, and to this moment I don’t really care enough to explore it.  THE Moment of Logic Fail:  all the Kandorians on earth are CLONES.  That means the real people (Zod, Jor-El, etc.) are LONG DEAD and these clones should be free to chart their own destinies.  If they were so dangerous, Clark should have (painlessly) killed them all, it would’ve been like tearing up copies of an obsolete original document, OR he could’ve just killed Baby Zod as he seemed to be the only troublemaker (obviously there would be no stories at all if Clark did what he was supposed to do in a timely manner).

The greatest WTF moment of the season also occurs during this episode.  As Jor-El faces criminal charges we get to see the Kryptonian “Council of Faces” and they added an old broad to the mix (ah, diversity!).  I really think that was the whole point of the scene, showing off the broad, but the WTF occurs when the Faces sentence Jor-El… DEATH.  ??????  According to the first two Superman movies the Kryptonians had no death penalty; they were stupid liberals, launching Zod and Friends into space in the Phantom Zone mirror-thingy where the odds of them being freed were infinitesmal yet dangerous enough not to do it (“forever” is a time long enough for even God to screw up, witness Earth).  And apparently the Kryps couldn’t program the Phantom Zone to avoid galaxies with yellow suns.  For the record, actor Callum Blue as Baby Zod is entertaining, and did well all season considering what he had to work with.

Idol – Wonder Twins?  All right, all right, but they kept the bullshit to a minimum, so really it was like watching any episode with additional super-powered beings.  And Allison Scagliotti as Jayna was cute as a bug’s ear.  Every actress on Smallville should be named Allison in real life.

This ends Part Uno of Smallville Season 9 episode mini-reviews.  When Part Deux is up, this sentence will become a link to it.

Fuckfield #7

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

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Fuckfield #6

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

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