Posts Tagged ‘communists’

War is unwinnable when you don’t play to win

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Here’s something meeting the legal definition of obscenity: George W. Bush aka Bush 43 aka Dubya, who took up painting as a hobby, made a book of portraits of veterans wounded in wars he’s responsible for prolonging and the gay kenyan muslim for losing.

I supported the Iraq war because for 12 years saddam was a disruptive asshole who thumbed his nose at the world and whose antics were no longer tolerable after 9/11.

The issue which was never addressed before, during or after, was what to do with Iraq once saddam was eliminated.

The correct answer was to make Iraq a US territory divided into 3 states and ruled with an iron fist, while seizing enough oil to pay for the whole thing.

None of that happened. We never achieved (or declared) victory, unless you count neocons’ Endless War Welfare Program for the enrichment of the “Defense” Department as winning. (Even filthy proto-SJW communists against “all” war deserve partial credit for their opposition.)

The year we truly lost Iraq was 2005, when we let Iraqis make their new government an “islamic democracy” when no such thing can exist. islam is sharia, sharia is islam; there is no “moderate” or reasonable version of sharia. If the USA honored the Second Amendment with the same inflexibility as sharia, we’d have open carry in all 50 states (and way less crime).

There’s little else to say, except a repeat of the conclusion of the first paragraph: Republicans prolong wars they have no intention of winning and democrats lose winnable wars on purpose.  

Robert Reich is Robert Wrongsh

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Subliminal message:liberalism defined


Robert Bernard Reich was the Secretary of Labor during the Cigar Administration, another grossly overpaid capo civil servant in the federal mafia hierarchy of that time, given undue credit for the 1990’s tech boom which democrooks had nothing to do with, unless you count being restrained from raising taxes by the Republican Congress as action.

Reich, a Bern-Bern cheerleader who mysteriously doesn’t self-identify as a socialist, wrote a column titled “The Death of the Republican Party” which appears on his website (which wisely doesn’t allow comments) but it requires some translation.

And here it is.


I’m writing to you today to announce the death of the Republican Party. It is no longer a living, vital, animate organization.

It died in 2016. RIP.

No, no, these aren’t crocodile tears, people. Much to our marxist chagrin, the sham opposition party which we demonize in government-controlled schools and by Hollywood trash and left-wing “journalists” has been thrown into disarray.

It has been replaced by warring tribes:

Evangelicals opposed to abortion, gay marriage, and science.

People who believe God is higher than the Almighty State and that right and wrong exist.

Libertarians opposed to any government constraint on private behavior.

Anyone who opposes communist orthodoxy. 

Market fundamentalists convinced the “free market” can do no wrong.

These don’t exist, but I need straw men.

Corporate and Wall Street titans seeking bailouts, subsidies, special tax loopholes, and other forms of crony capitalism.

Shhh, don’t tell, but we’ve supported all of the above for our side.  We on the left are the croniest of…capitalists (I HATE that word!) but the media protects us. Usually.  DAMN YOU, DRUDGE!

Billionaires craving even more of the nation’s wealth than they already own.

We Democrats believe you are allowed to make money only so long as we get to take half or more.  

And white working-class Trumpoids who love Donald. and are becoming convinced the greatest threats to their well being are Muslims, blacks, and Mexicans.

Has more than 30 seconds gone by without a liberal calling non-communists racists?  RESTART THE TIMER.  We know you want strong borders, but we need votes.  Third Worlders who don’t share American  (I HATE that word!) values (I HATE that word!) are hot property. 

(Editor’s note:  the greatest threat to Americans’ well-being is liberal /communist Democrats)

Each of these tribes has its own separate political organization, its own distinct sources of campaign funding, its own unique ideology – and its own candidate.

Unlike we Democrats, united by a communist vision of complete control over every aspect of people’s lives, these Republicans have points-of-view not only unauthorized by us, but that compete with each other! This kind of diversity cannot be tolerated!

Here at the Democratic Party we have eliminated the troublesome marketplace of ideas.  With us you have a CHOICE:  communist tyrant Cankles Clinton or communist tyrant Bernard Sanders.

What’s left is a lifeless shell called the Republican Party. But the Grand Old Party inside the shell is no more.

The jig is up.

I, for one, regret its passing. Our nation needs political parties to connect up different groups of Americans, sift through prospective candidates, deliberate over priorities, identify common principles, and forge a platform.

Our nation needs one party masquerading as two, with neither representing the American people and both paid for by the political donor class.  I mourn the death of the Big Lie.

The Republican Party used to do these things. Sometimes it did them easily, as when it came together behind William McKinley and Teddy Roosevelt in 1900, Calvin Coolidge in 1924, and Ronald Reagan in 1980.

Of the four presidents I just mentioned, only Roosevelt was like us, a socialist in love with power. McKinley fought democrats during the Civil War and later as president defended U.S. interests. Both Coolidge and Reagan LOWERED taxes–Coolidge four times!–which resulted in a disastrous booming economy and folks not seeking government dependency.

Sometimes it did them with difficulty, as when it strained to choose Abraham Lincoln in 1860, Barry Goldwater in 1964, and Mitt Romney in 2012.

Lincoln had his faults, such as fighting against slavery and segregation, cherished Democrat values. He’s long dead and his history easily rewritten. Goldwater was a close call, but we got LBJ in. Good thing, too. Vietnam needed to be escalated and lost. Romney, of course, was selected by us and did as told. Ahh, good times.

But there was always enough of a Republican Party to do these important tasks – to span the divides, give force and expression to a set of core beliefs, and come up with a candidate around whom Party regulars could enthusiastically rally.

We have lost our pseudo-conservative cuckolds. Trump has awakened the sleeping giant, ordinary Americans who reject sharia law and want strong borders.

No longer. And that’s a huge problem for the rest of us.

And by ‘rest of us’ I mean the thousands of illegals we are encouraging to invade, so we can inflate Democrat voter rolls. The dead can only vote so many times before suspicion is raised.  

Without a Republican Party, nothing stands between us and a veritable Star Wars barroom of self-proclaimed wanna-be’s.

We’re scared shitless of Trump.  (Ed. note:  Wasn’t the Star Wars cantina a perfect model of diversity?)

Without a Party, anyone runs who’s able to raise (or already possesses) the requisite money – even if he happens to be a pathological narcissist who has never before held public office, even if he’s a knave detested by all his Republican colleagues.

We’re scared shitless of Trump.

Without a Republican Party, it’s just us and them. And one of them could even become the next President of the United States.

Us: communists
Them: Free Americans


Sorry, Robert.  We’re cleaning house.

“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly.” — Richard Bach


US Military Social Engineering Experiment Part Deux: Gay Lamb Cannons are here!–UPDATED 21 FEB 18

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

So now The Kenyan has finally got around to signing a law repealing ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’, which had barred gays from serving openly in the military.  At least it was done sans the activist asshole judge.

I opposed the repeal of the ban based on what I think is a semi-original idea.  I had some trouble explaining it in person, but here goes again.

Forget for a moment that we’re talking about gays in the military.  Instead, let’s say the military wanted a new type of rifle.  With barely any testing of this new rifle’s performance, it is immediately adopted and replaces the M-16.  That alone is madness; in order to placate those opposed to the new barely-tested rifle design, the military leaders promise if the new rifle fails in the field, it will be replaced with the M-16 again.

Well, my fellow Americans, we’re not even promised that much.  What we’ve been told is the new rifle is going to replace the M-16 whether it works or not.

I suspect The Gay will negatively affect military performance, but I have enough wisdom to know that I don’t know for certain.  What I do know is the obamateurs—the marxist radicals Slobmerica elected—who are currently responsible for keeping our Armed Forces strong, ALSO have no idea how The Gay will affect military performance, nor do they care if the results are negative.

If women in the Armed Forces is any indicator, The Gay is going to be a lot of trouble, and like all politically-correct social experiments, a lot of trouble that will be hidden from the public eye.


WELL ME BOYOS, rather than start a whole new post I’m going to add this here, since it’s a variation on the original theme. 

Regarding gays serving openly in the military, my concern was increased obstacles to troop readiness in the name of social justice would get our troops killed.  Now that I think about it, while I haven’t gone looking for one, I’ve never seen a headline anywhere explaining the results of this social experiment, but I gather if it’d been a roaring success, fake news would have (for once) trumpeted an honest report on the front page.     

Sometime between 2010 and 2018, I remember the military opened up every job to women.  (To me the craziest wasn’t allowing women to attempt joining the SEALS, it was women being allowed to serve on submarines.  What a great deal even for plain janes!—who could charge $500-an-hour to screw.)

So the latest affront to common sense is what every soldier and sailor knew would happen:  the presence of women lowered standards.   

Marine Corps Quietly Drops Major Obstacle to Female Infantry Officers

Read the comments section:  I don’t need to add my voice to the chorus of Marines saying BAD IDEA.

But that’s the Age of Insanity we live in.  We just try everything because we can, no matter how retarded, never caring about real-world results except to hide failure. 

Jimmy Smits is a OUTLAW. Why?

Saturday, 18 September 2010

I hit a new low watching the pilot of some POS NBC show called “Outlaw”.

The “writers” of this turd start off by having badboy Supreme Court Justice ??????????????????????????  Jimmy Smits get publicly lambasted by a hot putana from the ACLU.  The next scene the bitch is curled up on his couch after a no-doubt hard Smits hump.  Some hack  must’ve just rewatched the original Iron Man and thought, Shit, I’ve got no talent, I’ll just rip-off that Tony Stark fucks sassy reporter scene.

Jiminy Smits, as the most Conservative Supreme Court judge is “evil” while his late liberal activist father (photoshopped with RFK and Cesar Chavez) is, of course, “good”.  According to the Dad via flashbacks, here’s the reason why his son is a principled Conservative:  “He’s wrong.”  That’s it.  That’s the whole argument.  So Smits, shooting hoops alone and weeping during flashbacks, decides to resign from the Supreme Court—a lifetime job with large pay and fame—to become a shitheels moral-crusadey lawyer.  In terms of ambition that’s equivalent to Hugh Hefner leaving his Playbore empire to become a telemarketer.

I must be a masochist, breaking my long blog silence during which I’ve done other things to write this much about this awful excuse for a show.

Bail Organa Smits isn’t alone in (t)his stupidity.  His law team includes a dumb blonde liberal (talk about redundancy) in love with him, a tight-collared Conservative stereotyped kid, a Negro lawyer of indeterminate origin and a bisexual smartass cunt private eye.  Oh and a sexy GILF who runs the law firm Smits joins.  Of course the GILF claims she won’t fuck him, just so it’ll be SHOCKING three episodes from now when she does.

The first episode centers around a Hollywood Propagandized Negro in prison.  Unlike real prison Negroes, the HPN is an UNfairly sentenced-to-death gentleman who speaks the King’s English and wants only to marry his equally eloquent baby-mama.  He is an INNOCENT VICTIM of RACISM (though they don’t call it that) and at the end an old, decorated White cop is found Guilty instead.  Yaaay!

This ridiculous show is DOA and I’m glad. In the real world, a kenyan muslim occupies the White House and not one, but TWO unqualifed racist communist dumbfuck bitches are on the Supreme Court.  FUCK.  YOU.

Welcome to communist health care! or Why you just got fucked in the ass

Thursday, 1 April 2010

The best way to explain to fools and non-fools alike why obamarx’s new commiecare will fail is to use the example of McDonald’s.

McDonald’s feeds millions of people every day, delivering a quality product for very little money (and before you health twats start in, you can eat healthy food at McDonald’s all day and have been able to do so for years).

Question:  if tomorrow the government (aka federal mafia) abandoned enforcing all federal laws concerning the safe handling and other standards for preparing and serving food, do you think McDonald’s would suddenly risk their massive business by cutting corners to save a few pennies by serving an inferior product?

Now let’s imagine going the opposite way.  What would happen to McDonald’s if the federal mafia decided they were going to run it, with the 50-thousand  government regulations and government job “perks” such as never being fired for incompetence or slowness, all the while getting constant raises whether business is up or down?

I won’t let you ponder this one for as long.

I don’t give a shit if you’re the biggest communist wannabe on the planet, if you’re honest with yourself you know damned well that government-run McDonald’s restaurants around the globe–all of them–would be out of business in less than a year.  If they weren’t, it would only be due to higher taxes in the range of billions just to keep them afloat.

I understand why some people wanted to see wider coverage of health care, blah blah blah.  But as in the McDonald’s example, your vote-buying taxocrats in Congress have just fucked you, me, all of us, right in the ass, SANS LUBE.  You’re either 15-years-old or dumb as shit if you think MORE government will make health care more widely accessible, cheaper and more efficient.  You have, by proxy, voted for Post Office-quality heart surgery, and yes, death panels.

For those of you who think death panels are fiction meant to scare granny, please remember that in communist nations, as food and other necessities run out, government ramps up planned famines and work camps to cull the human herds.  They may not be pulling the plug on granny tomorrow, but since we’ve just gone from a free nation to a nation where tyrants literally have control over life or death of we serfs, there’s no reason why 10 years from now, Big Doctor won’t simply stop giving granny her pills when the Accountants have deemed her past all usefulness.

The Kenyan has gone too far and his vile band of alinsky thugs and tax cheats will pay, first during the November elections, and beyond that……..who knows?   The Tree of Liberty is looking awfully parched.